The Effect of Murrotal Al-Qur’an Audio on First Stage Labor Pain among Maternity Women
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Siti Qomariah
Novelia Shinta
Dewi Kurniati
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Murrotal Al-quran Audio on first stage labor pain among maternity women in Prof. dr. J. A Latumeten Hospital Maluku Province, Indonesia. The study design is quasy experimental. The population is all maternity women who were in the first stage labor in Januari 2022 which consisted of 68 women. 30 women were selected purposively and agreed to join the study. The inclusion criteria are muslim women who had no hearing problems and labor complication. The intervention was an audio of Murrotal Al-quran Surah Ar-Rahman for 30 minutes. A numeric rating scale was used to measure the pain level before and after intervention. The bivariate analysis was done by Mann Whitney test. The results show that majority of women (60%) experienced a moderate level of pain before and after intervention in the control group. While, in the experiment group, majority of women (60%) experienced moderate level of pain before intervention and majority of them (66,6%) experienced mild level of pain after intervention. The bivariate analysis shows that there was a significant difference of pain score between experiment and control group after intervention (p= .005). In addition, there was a significant difference of pain score before and after intervention in the experiment group (p= .005). There was an effect of Murrotal Al-quran Audio on first stage labor pain among maternity women in Prof. dr. J. A Latumeten Hospital Maluku Province, Indonesia in 2022. The Murrotal Al-quran Audio is effective to decrease labor pain among maternity women. Nurses and midwives who work in the labor room are urged to implement the murroral Al-quran Audio to help maternity women in decreasing labor pain.
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